Ophthalmic Comprehensive Reports

2023 Ocular Surface Disease Survey Report, August, 2023

Market Scope surveyed ophthalmologists and optometrists in the United States and Western Europe during July 2023 to measure patients they were seeing and screening for ocular surface disease; adoption of treatments; and insight into the latest market trends.

Practitioners from most specialties (cataract, refractive, cornea, glaucoma, and comprehensive) who self-registered on Market-Scope.com were invited to participate in an annual sponsored survey on ocular surface disease.

An email invitation was sent on July 7, 2023, and last call invitations on July 14 and July 21, 2023. We received 169 total complete, unique responses – 130 from the US and 39 from Western Europe. All results were calculated based on respondent count; because not all questions were applicable to all providers, the respondent count (n) may vary throughout the survey.

Survey reports are strictly a summary analysis of the reported data, and no additional extrapolation to the overall market was performed. All survey data are de-identified and maintained on a secure server.

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