Cataract Reports

Market Scope uses a multi-source methodology when preparing our annual and quarterly reports. We incorporate surgeon surveys, our extensive database of physicians and surgery centers, disease models, clinical studies, financial reports, and more. Our wide-ranging knowledge of products and technology and our comprehensive network of industry contacts also contribute to our coverage on the ophthalmic industry.

2023 Premium Cataract Surgery Market Report: Analysis of the Top 13 Countries for 2022 to 2028, October, 2023

The “2023 Premium Cataract Surgery Market Report” is designed to provide insights into the most important premium cataract surgery (PCS) markets in the world. We’ve selected and profiled 13 countries that collectively account for 84 percent of global PCS manufacturer revenue and provided a deep dive into each of these markets. Ranked by 2022 PCS manufacturer revenue, they are: the United States, China, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Germany, Canada, Australia, France, India, Spain, the UK, and Italy.

For each of these countries, the report focuses on specific characteristics considered vital to the understanding of the opportunities in each country for companies planning to market premium cataract surgery devices or looking to assess the value of each market.

2023 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report: Global Analysis for 2022 to 2028, September, 2023

The “2023 Ophthalmic Laser Market Report” offers a comprehensive analysis of the global market for ophthalmic lasers, as well as a discussion of important trends and key factors shaping future success. The report covers photocoagulation, photodisruption, and SLT lasers with market data for 2022 and forecasts through 2028. Product demand is forecast in units and dollars, and market share is analyzed by product category.  Eighteen market competitors are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market position, background, and outlook.

This report is designed for ophthalmic industry manufacturers, market analysts, providers, and investors who are interested in the ophthalmic lasers business and related products. In-depth topics include laser treatment estimates, ophthalmic surgeons using lasers, and manufacturers of ophthalmic lasers (excluding femtosecond and excimer lasers).

2023 US and Western Europe Cataract Pharmaceuticals Market Report, May, 2023

The “2023 US and Western Europe Cataract Pharmaceuticals Market Report” offers an in-depth examination of the current cataract pharmaceuticals market in the United States and Western Europe and forecasts market performance over the next five years. The report analyzes the current market and forecasts units, average sales price, and revenue through 2028 by product category. It analyzes products currently on the market and examines the development pipeline, discusses the popularity of intracameral injections and fixed combination eye drops, and analyzes the roles of brand name medications, generics, and compounded formulations.

2022 Annual Sponsored US Cataract Surgeon Survey Report, May, 2022

Market Scope surveyed US ophthalmic surgeons during March and April 2022 to measure perceptions of practice patterns, product market share, and plans for the coming year. We received 119 responses from doctors performing cataract procedures, representing over one thousand total doctors in single doctor and group practices.

We have conducted annual surveys of US cataract surgeons on important issues regarding practice characteristics, product preferences, surgical techniques, and practice marketing since 2001. This survey highlights practice patterns regarding presbyopic-correcting IOLs (PC-IOLs), toric IOLs, extended depth of focus (EDOF) IOLs, correction of astigmatism, femtosecond laser-assisted cataract surgery (FLACS), sugical location, interest in upcoming technology, equipment use, treatment and management of glaucoma and micro-invasive glaucoma survery (MIGS) devices and much more. It measures market share by manufacturer, product, and market segment. Leading ophthalmic firms and organizations sponsor the survey in order to better understand industry dynamics and gain important insights into surgeons’ experiences and preferences, as well as emerging trends. 

2022 India Ophthalmic Market Report: Regional Analysis for 2020 to 2027, April, 2022

The “2022 India Ophthalmic Market Report” analyzes the current landscape of the Indian ophthalmic market, discussing important trends and key factors for future success, and includes forecasts of disease prevalence, numbers of treatments, and technologies used in treatments. The report analyzes the Indian markets for diagnostic equipment, lasers, cataract, refractive, cornea, glaucoma, retina, dry eye, surgical instruments, and single-use surgical devices. Thirty market competitors are profiled, with discussion of their products, strategic market positions, background, and outlook.

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