Survey Data Reports

Market Scope uses a multi-source methodology when preparing our annual and quarterly reports. We incorporate surgeon surveys, our extensive database of physicians and surgery centers, disease models, clinical studies, financial reports, and more. Our wide-ranging knowledge of products and technology and our comprehensive network of industry contacts also contribute to our coverage on the ophthalmic industry.

2018 Annual US Refractive Survey Report, December, 2018

Since 2001, Market Scope has conducted annual surveys of US refractive surgeons on important issues regarding practice characteristics, product preferences, surgical techniques, and practice marketing. Our survey highlights practice patterns regarding laser vision correction and refractive lens exchange. We also ask refractive surgeons to rate manufacturers in the industry and their products and services. Leading ophthalmic firms and organizations sponsor the survey in order to better understand industry dynamics and gain important insights into surgeons’ experiences and preferences, as well as emerging trends. 

Our survey is designed to improve decision-making process by providing clients with the most accurate assessment of the market and its future directions. Our approach includes trend analysis based on comparisons with information gathered in previous years. All information is presented in color charts and tables with concise narratives for enhanced clarity and context.

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